
Council Grants

 Who Can Apply

Only properly constituted, not-for-profit organisations can apply for a grant under the scheme.

A voluntary organisation applying for grant aid must be able to demonstrate that:-

  • It carries out its activities otherwise than for profit.
  • Its activities will benefit the community of Cromer Town.

Scope For Funding

Cromer Town Council’s preference is to provide financial assistance for specific projects or purchase of equipment. However, it will consider supporting on-going revenue costs if the organisation can demonstrate that lack of funds would have an adverse effect on the community if the organisation is unable to continue to due to lack of funds.


Grants should normally be spent within 12 months, for the purpose for which they were given.

Grants cannot be made to cover money already spent.

Successful applicants will normally be required to submit an informal short report outlining the use made of the grant within 6 months of the project’s completion.

Organisations are not restricted to the number of grant applications submitted to the Council for grant-aid over a period of time, however the history of previous applications will be taken into account in the decision making process.

The giving of a grant one year does not set a precedent for another year.

The Council will only in exceptional circumstances award grants to an organisation which itself awards grants to others.

Grants are not available for any political activities, commercial ventures or projects for private gain.

The Council does not normally give grants to regional or national charities unless a direct benefit to Cromer Town can be shown.

The Council would normally expect the project for which the grant assistance is being sought to be partly funded by the applicant body from its own resources or from its fund raising activities. Details of other grants received/applied for should be given. A copy of the previous year’s accounts must be included with the application.

The Council will only consider grant applications from organisations not receiving other money from the Council’s mainstream budget.

The Annual Grants and the Fireworks Grants are considered once a year. The deadlines for receipt of applications varies each year but is roughly the end of February for Fireworks Grants and end of March for Annual Grants. Please contact the Town Council office for the exact dates.

Please complete the application form (PDF file) and send to:-
The Clerk
Cromer Town Council
North Lodge
Overstrand Road
Norfolk NR27 OAH

Telephone : 01263 512254
Email : clerk@cromer-tc.gov.uk